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6ième appel à propositions de doctorats en collaboration entre le CNRS et Imperial College
du 25 novembre 2024 au 17 janvier 2025
Le CNRS et Imperial College lancent un sixième appel à propositions de doctorats en collaboration entre les deux institutions. // The CNRS and Imperial College are launching a sixth call for proposals for collaborative PhDs between the two institutions.
Eligibility: staff from the CNRS units
Disciplines: The theme of this year’s call specifically supports the three pillars of the CNRS-Imperial International Research Center for Transformational Science and Technology: Sustainability, Connectivity, Health.
The call is open to all fields of science, technology, engineering and medicine, but projects must focus on one or more of the three IRC challenges listed above.
Application deadline: January 17 2025
More information: https://international.cnrs.fr/en/actualite/phd-joint-cnrs-imperial-2025/